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Makaton Level 1 (Live Session)

From £66.67 +VAT
Busy Bees Education and Trainings “live sessions” yellow logo. Screen to Screen
Course duration: Two 3.5 hour session
Busy Bees Education and Trainings “screen2screen” yellow logo. Screen to Screen

What will I learn?

The course will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the Makaton language programme, including how you will be able to use Makaton to support children and adults with communication difficulties.

Key Topics:

  • Signs and symbols from the core vocabulary stages 1-2
  • All about the Makaton language programme
  • Makaton symbols
  • Overview of alternative systems of communication

Who should attend this course?

Individuals who need to use Makaton in their work or who require in-depth Makaton training to support children and adults with communication needs.

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