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Webinar: Adverse Childhood Experiences (Live Session)

Busy Bees Education and Trainings “live sessions” yellow logo. Screen to Screen
Course duration: 90 minutes
Busy Bees Education and Trainings “screen2screen” yellow logo. Screen to Screen

What will I Learn?

This Webinar focuses on what can happen to children who were experiencing aces while also defining the support they need and where it can be sourced.


As well as defining what an adverse childhood experience is, the course also focuses on how these childhood traumas can impact persons future health both physically and emotionally and in some extreme cases how it can lead to early death.


Key Topics

  • Defining an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE’s)
  • Identifying family and community risk factors linked to Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Distinguishing community and family protective factors for Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Identifying behavioural risk factors linked to Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Defining the support children with Adverse Childhood Experiences need


Who Should attend this course?

Our Adverse Childhood Experiences course is perfect for anyone (unqualified to senior) who works with children aged 0 to 18 years. 

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