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Webinar: Top Tips for Toilet Training (Live Session)

Busy Bees Education and Trainings “live sessions” yellow logo. Screen to Screen
Course duration: 90 Minutes
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What will I learn?

The aim of this webinar is to share, discuss and debate how to support toilet training in early years. When it comes to toilet training, its really hard to know when the best time is to start. Every child is different and throughout this webinar we are going to discuss key indicators a child maybe ready and how to support them both physically and emotionally as they learn how to negotiate the potty, pull ups, pants and the big toilet!

Key Topics:

  • When is the right time to start
  • Signs and key indicators a child is ready to toilet train
  • How to take the stress out of training
  • Managing emotions
  • Pants vs Pull ups

Who should attend this course?

All childcare staff including early years, nannies, childminders.

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