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Management Essentials Session 2 – Communicating for Influence

Busy Bees Education and Trainings “live sessions” yellow logo. Screen to Screen
Course duration: 2 hours
Busy Bees Education and Trainings “screen2screen” yellow logo. Screen to Screen

Exploring the importance of a feedback culture in teams to improve and maintain performance Understanding the importance of high emotional intelligence and why its so important for leaders and managers to develop Examining the key qualities of effective coaching and helping your team realise their potential

Who’s it for?

Anybody who leads a team who would like to understand how to approach feedback and coaching, build confidence having challenging conversations and develop better self-awareness.

What to expect?

An interactive live session covering the Management Essentials in communicating for influence. You will need access to a laptop/tablet and WiFi for this. Please have your cameras on and be in a distraction free area. Be aware of surrounding noise you may need to mute your microphone.

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