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A woman and man talking on a Busy Bees Education and Training level three business apprenticeship.

Business Administration Level 3

Maximum Contribution


Typical course duration

15 Months (Plus EPA)

Introduction to the apprenticeship

This level 3 business apprenticeship will help you develop a versatile set of knowledge, skills, and behaviours that transcend industry boundaries, applicable to both small and large businesses across the public, private, and charitable sectors. 

Whether working independently or collaboratively within a team, the role entails developing, implementing, maintaining, and enhancing administrative services. Business administrators cultivate essential skills and... read more

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The apprenticeship at a glance

Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Start Date
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Level 3
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Typical Duration
15 Months (Plus EPA)
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Blended learning with one to one support
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Entry Requirements
  • Currently employed in an administrative role that includes some aspects of management and driving business performance
  • To be willing and able to access a Busy Bees training centre on occasions throughout the course to aid learning
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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End Point Assessments (EPA)

The EPA for this level 3 business apprenticeship consists of:

  • Knowledge test
  • Portfolio interview
  • Presentation/Project
  • Upon successful completion apprentices are graded: Pass or Distinction
Busy Bees Education and Training’s
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Business Administration Level 3

Business administrators will demonstrate strong communication skills in both a written and verbal form as well as managing priorities and solving problems.

The course will include learning material and development in the following areas:

  • Understand organisational purpose, activities, aims, values and vision for the future
  • Practical knowledge of managing stakeholders
  • Laws and regulations that apply to their role including data protection, health and safety and compliance
  • The organisation’s key business policies relating to the sector
  • Understands relevant external factors such as market forces policy and regulatory changes such as the supply chain and the wider business impact.

  • Currently employed in an administrative role that includes some aspects of management and driving business performance
  • To be willing and able to access a Busy Bees training centre on occasions throughout the course to aid learning

Business Administration Level 3

On successful completion, apprentices will be eligible for the following roles:

  • Administration Clerk
  • Administration Officer
  • Administration Team Leader
  • Secretary
  • Executive Officer
  • Office Supervisor
  • Personal Assistant

The EPA for this level 3 business apprenticeship consists of:

  • Knowledge test
  • Portfolio interview
  • Presentation/Project
  • Upon successful completion apprentices are graded: Pass or Distinction

Off-the-Job training (OTJ) is a requirement for all apprenticeship standards at all levels. Apprentices must spend 20% of their working hours undertaking OTJ throughout their learning or practical period. OTJ is defined as “learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads toward the achievement of an apprenticeship.”

Off-the-Job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship programme and teach new knowledge, skills and/or behaviours that will help you reach competence in your occupation.

Guide to Off-the-Job Training