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CPR Basics: How to Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, commonly known as CPR, is a life-saving technique that can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. It's a skill that everyone should have in their repertoire, as you never know when you might be called upon to save a life. As training providers, we teach this skill as part of our emergency first aid at work course as well as some of our other first aid training courses.  In this blog, we'll explore the basics of CPR and guide you through the essential steps to perform it effectively.

  • Assess scene safety (CPR Basics): Before initiating any help, ensure the environment is secure for both you and the individual in distress. Mitigate any potential risks before proceeding.
  • Check responsiveness (CPR Basics): Gently tap the person and verbally inquire, "Are you okay?" If there is no response, immediately call for emergency assistance on 999. 
  • Open the airway (CPR Training): Position the individual on a stable surface, tilting their head backwards slightly to facilitate airway opening by lifting the chin.
  • Assess breathing (CPR Training): Observe for chest movement, listen for breath sounds, and feel for breath on your cheek. If the person is not breathing or only gasping, commence CPR.
  • Perform chest compressions (CPR Training): Place your hands, one atop the other with fingers interlocked, on the centre of the chest. Administer forceful compressions at a rate of approximately 100-120 per minute, allowing the chest to fully recoil.
  • Provide rescue breaths (CPR Training): After 30 compressions, deliver two rescue breaths. Ensure the airway remains open, pinch the nose shut, and administer breaths until the chest rises. Repeat this cycle.
  • Continuation of CPR (CPR Training): Sustain the cycle of 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths until professional medical help arrives or the person resumes breathing autonomously. If alone and an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available, use it promptly.

Understanding CPR basics and undergoing the basics of CPR training is pivotal and could help save someone's life, which is why it is vital to attend a first aid training course. These steps aim to uphold blood circulation to vital organs until professional assistance arrives. If uncertain about performing CPR, promptly seek help and provide emotional support until trained professionals intervene. 

First aid training 

We have a wide range of first aid training courses available across the UK including first aid in the workplace training, paediatric first aid training, first aid for families, mental health in the workplace training, and pet first aid courses

Please email if you would like more information about the training and courses we offer, or if you would like to make a group booking.